Fully-funded Ph.D. and Master Positions in Wearable Robotics

The HGN Lab for Bionic Engineering at the University of Utah is looking for talented individuals to build the next generation of powered exoskeletons and robotic leg prostheses. Open positions are fully funded (stipend, benefits, tuition) through grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and Ottobock.

Research Projects range from the design of powered and semi-active exoskeletons, exosuits, and prosthetics with bioinspired actuation systems (Composite Hip Exo, Bionic Foot), human-in-the-loop control of wearable robots for performance augmentation and restoration (Neural Prosthesis Control, Exo Running, Exo Jumping), development of intelligent controllers to be used in at-home studies of robotic leg prosthesis and motorized hip exoskeletons (Bionic Knee-Ankle Prosthesis , Utah ExoKnee), and biomechanical analysis of wearable robot utility for clinical and industrial application (Bionic Prosthesis Biomechanics, Hip Exo Biomechanics).

The application is FREE for national applicants and the fee waivers are available for top international students. Top candidates will be invited to the graduate visitation weekend when they will have an opportunity to meet with Dr. Lenzi and his team and enjoy Salt Lake over the weekend. Email Dr. Lenzi for any questions (t.lenzi@utah.edu).



Life at the Bionic Engineering Lab

Students at the HGN Bionic Engineering Lab build, tune, and control exoskeletons and powered prosthetics on a daily basis. They utilized an in-lab ambulation circuit, Vicon motion capture system, and Bertec Instrumented treadmill and stairs for their research studies. On weekends Students are found in downtown Salt Lake City at the Farmers Market, Theater, Ballet, or Concert Halls, or in the nearby mountains or national parks hiking, climbing, or biking. During the winter, many take advantage of the “Greatest Snow on Earth” and local resorts to ski and board.